Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Had A Wonderful Time!

Dear Parent(s),

I am so pleased with the "chore" money that the students generated by the efforts
which enable me to purchase two "Double Connect Four" games, as well as $25
worth of baby items for the Food Bank. I trust that this experience reminded the
students of the many blessings that we often take for granted.

Our activity and lunch with our ESL Buddies was a smashing success! The Gr. 4's
and their buddy collaborated to produce an intricately designed snowflake in varying
shades of blue which was assembled over a 40 minute period. Improving focus, yeah!
Hopefully, they will be up on the bulletin board by the office in the New Year to enjoy.
Three simultaneous games of "Hot Potato" were played with the event ending in a
shared lunch and warm hot chocolate. It was a treat to see smiles on so many faces.

I am pleased to say that we have enough sign-up for a wonderful Thursday lunch.Thanks
for your generosity in a very busy week. There is nothing like sharing a lunch together!

Hope to see many of you on or at the rink on Friday!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just Making Sure!

If you have already read the green notice today, this is a duplicate.

Dear Parent(s),

It’s so hard to believe that we are into the second week of December! I am working hard to keep the busyness of the season in perspective and not loose the wonder associated with our Saviour’s birth. I’m sure many of you are in the same situation. Please note the following Grade 4 activities:

1.    Elementary Christmas Concert: Thursday, Dec. 9th at 7:00 at WRCA.
Grade 4’s are to be dressed in their uniform( including their sweater) that has been recently laundered and meet in their portable no earlier than 6:30, please.

2.    Class Gift Purchases: Please be reminded that the money from chores ($2 - $3) must be in the classroom by Friday the 10th  so the students have a chance to see the fruit of their efforts.

3.    Gr. 4 and ESL Party (Wed., Dec. 15th): The ESL Buddies of the Gr. 4 will join them from 10:30 – 12:00 for an activity and to eat their lunches together. Please include a snack for their ESL Buddy in Wednesday’s lunch.

4.    Thursday’s Social Quiz (Dec. 16th): I’m sorry about the timing, but the class agreed that they would rather have the quiz before Christmas so they can enjoy their vacation. It is a short unit and there will be review time in class as well as their at-home studying. The “Getting Along” unit duotang will not be due until the first week in January, but can be handed in at the time of the quiz for those that are ready.

5.    Class Party(Thursday, Dec. 16th):  Come in and sign up on the goody sheet on the classroom bulletin board. Hopefully the pooled items will replace the need for a lunch that day. I’ll let you know. Please have all food items in the classroom by recess.

6.    Elementary Family Skate (Friday, Dec., 17th):   Please take note of the location change at the Centenial  Arena.  Those students not going home with their parents, will return to W.R.C.A. for lunch and the 1:10 dismissal.

Many blessings as you prepare for the amazing celebration of Christ’s birth,

 Mrs. K. Good

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Short and Sweet! #2 I'm Back!

Just a few reminders:

1. Both pages of the Snow Form, and both sides of each form, along with the cheque
    must be in by Friday.
2. We have a credit at the symphony, so Mr. MacLeod will determine if the Gr. 4's
     will attend this year.
3. The Science Fair partners are determined by the students with the approval of
    their parents. Please inform me of the pairings as they form. Student and parent
    booklets were sent home today. I do not have second copies.
4. Report cards out on Friday.
5. Leggings for girls are non-uniform.
6. Mohawk hair cuts are non-uniform for boys.
7. Please check for our missing uniform pieces( grey pants:  Kyle, Luc  
                                                                       cardigan:      Kylie is missing two)

8. Those of you sending apples in lunches, need to check with your children if
    they are eating them.
9. Correction: "All About Me" project is due on Friday, Dec. 10th.
10. The Ten Days of Christmas is being accompanied by 10 DOO, which means
      that the Grade 4's will be thinking of others for the next 10 days. Pray for them
      that it becomes meaningful.

Happy December,