Monday, October 25, 2010

Help Needed!

Please be on the look out for a black "Volcom" backpack and an "Umbro" gym bag
 belonging to Lucas Biffart. Both items were left on the field after school last Thursday.
Cameron returned to look for them on the field at 5:00 but neither were to be found.

If you know of there whereabouts, please contact Michelle or Cameron Biffart.

Thanks on their behalf,
Kathe Good

Friday, October 22, 2010

Habitat Quiz Study Guide

Students should be aware of:
What is a habitat?
Plant Layers in a Forest ----Common forest animals and their behaviours
Wetland Importance ---Common animals and plants in a Wetland Habitat
Features of Desert Plants----Common Desert Animals & How They Survive
Areas of a Mountain Habitat----Common Mountain Animals & How They Survive
The Parts of a Food Chain--------Be able to draw a food chain.

The quiz on Monday, Nov. 1st contains the following types of questions:
True/False, completing a Habitat Chart with provided information,
Short Answer & Labeling a Diagram.

A test typically follows this pattern:

1.      I read the quiz over with the students.
2.      I have a volunteer pray before the students start writing.
3.      Students can ask questions at any time through the quiz.
4.      I will attempt to reword a question to promote understanding.
5.      During the marking process, if students are close to
   understanding, I will always do an “Oral Check” with them to
   ensure their mark best reflects their learning.

Happy habitating,

Mrs. Kathe Good

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

An Unbelievable Effort Leads To Success!

For the past number of weeks, many of the Grade 4’s have been involved in the Tuesday/Thursday Rain or Shine Cross Country training. The consistency of their effort paid off in both the girls and boys placing first in the Grade 4 race at the Christian Elementary Cross Country Meet held today.  Congratulations, Grade 4’s. I am so proud of you all! Their performance was so strong, that they managed to place third in the meet overall even though they were missing both the Grade 6 and 7 teams who are at Moss.
A special thanks to a wonderful team of coaches, headed by Mrs. Lorraine Whitmarsh, who were there every step of the way to support the Grade 4’s in this physical challenge. And last, but not least, a thanks goes to so many of our parents who were involved in the practices, the extra driving and shifting of schedules and those that were able to support through encouragement and cheerleading.
All are welcome to come in and see the trophies.
Mrs. Kathe Good

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A New Beginning!

Dear Parent(s),
 How can we not reflect on God's goodness to us as we celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends as we sat around such abudant tables? I was thrilled to be able to make the family favourites as we spent time with our children and my husband's parents. From the students' journal entries, I see that many of you experienced the same blessings.
Through my time away from the classroom, I have prayerfully decided to address the number of student and parent concerns stemming from verbal exclusion at recess, by revisiting our class agreements and teaching a series of lessons to highlight social awareness.  I will continue to use the Young Peacemaker’s program that was begun last year to provide instruction in conflict resolution.
This is a great opportunity to discuss your child’s recess experiences. Please watch for any lessons materials that may be coming home to reinforce what is going on in the classroom. I would also appreciate your prayers for wisdom as I challenge the class to "be the one that makes the difference."
Thank you in advance for your support in this process,
Kathe Good

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's so hard to believe that we will soon be celebrating Thanksgiving! I wish you the most joyous family time as you celebrate with the abundance of delicious food that is so much a part of our Canadian traditions. We have so much to be thankful for. I know that some of you are traveling to be with loved ones and pray that your journey will be safe. I know that I am looking forward to creating some wonderful memories with my family and pray that through this holiday time you will experience a refreshing of God's love.

Please be reminded that the summer uniform is finished this week and that your child is expected to return to school Tuesday, Oct. 12th in their full winter uniform. I know that many of the students will appreciate the added warmth. As you know, hoodies are not to be worn in the classroom, so please be sure that your child is warm enough during classroom hours which may mean the purchase of the school sweater.

Thanks for all the at-home reading. I just love seeing all those reading sheets. Please be reminded that the Scholastic book orders are due Tues., Oct. 12th.
God Bless You All,

Kathe Good